Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Don't Drink the Water (Still)

Sep 29, 2006 -- The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (WASA) has detected high nitrite levels in the drinking water at six properties served by a privately owned 8” water main along 8th Street NE that is not maintained by WASA. As a matter of caution, after consulting with the Department of Health, WASA is advising the occupants of these buildings near the intersection of 8th and Varnum streets N.E. not to drink the tap water. The affected properties include 4401 through 4415 8th Street NE and 831 and 832 Varnum Street NE. No other customers are impacted.

Full press release:

Commentary- This is at least the third time that we have seen high nitrate levels in water here in DC. While it appears from the press release that WASA is stepping up to fix a problem that "isnt theirs", the question remains as to who is responsible? Is it the city? Is it WASA, EPA? Who?

Frankly, I am fed up with the negligence that is tolorated by residents of the district with illegal levels of lead and nitrates in the water. I plan to do some more research and perhaps start writing some letters. In the meantime, it looks like I may have to call on Deer Park....

One Small Step for a Man.....

No this post isn't going to focus on the transcript of what the first words on the moon were. I you are interested read here .

The second half of summer and young fall have pointed out a difficulty associated with rowhouses; mice. I see evidence of them every day. But these mice seem to be super smart. Traps don't seem to work, glue traps have been occasionally effective, and the old standby dcon is laughed at by the furry friends. I even tried to make a d-con pancake for their eating pleasure that was also ignored.

But today, in a small victory, one of the ring leaders was snared in the glue trap. The young and feeble were the only ones to be caught previously by this small rectangle of glue. Perhaps papa didn't have his A-game on. Or perhaps it was a bonk, a moment where it wasn't thinking. Either way, there is one less rodent stalking my kitchen today. Lets hope this is not a pyrrhic victory.

Monday, October 02, 2006

It Must be Election Season

Candidates have historically paid less attention to Eckington due to low voter turnout rates. We arent Brookland, and certainly not Palisades. However, you wouldnt know that based on the back and forth on the Eckington listserv.

A concerned citizen virtually posed 5 questions to ANC candidates.

1. The intent of the ANC legislation is to ensure input from an advisory board that is made up of the residents of the neighborhoods that are directly affected by government action. The ANCs are the body of government with the closest official ties to the people in a neighborhood. As ANC Commissioner, how will you determine the wishes of the residents of your SMD? Will you be an active participant in this listserv and local civic associations? Will you answer emails and phone calls from constituents? Of course if you choose not to answer this email, that would answer this question.

2 Many residents have become disillusioned with the process at the ANC meetings. It seems like what was supposed to be a community meeting for local residents to voice their opinions, has turned into a partisan spectacle with no dissenting views allowed or tolerated. I would like to know that I could go to a meeting and ask a simple question without being ignored or reprimanded. What would you do to make this more of a community meeting once again?

3. If there were a vote before the commission and your company, relative, or place of worship had a vested interest in the outcome of that vote, would you disclose your relationship and/or abstain from voting on the matter?

4. What is your position on the destruction of one of our few remaining historic landmarks namely the St. Martins convent and school?

5. Okay. You knew this was coming. What is your position on the proposed St. Martins housing project as it is currently planned?

Finally, I would like to thank all of the candidates for stepping up and volunteering. It is a difficult and time consuming job, but an important one. We need to all get out and vote in November for the candidate we feel will best represent our neighborhood.
To date only 2 candidates have responded to the questions. Stephanie White and Kris Hammond. However, responding doesnt seem to be enough for the tough Eckington crowd. More answers have been requested.

Will the other ANC candidates Farmer Allen, and Cleopatra Jones respond to these questions? If all of the candidates respond, I would like to post them here, along with a brief profiile.