A good friend of mine told me this weekend that reading post after post about people getting shot is depressing. She suggested that I Sex it up a bit. No, this doesnt mean that I am going to become the Eckington equivilant of Velvet in Dupont. I havent been dating enough these days to even merit a dating blog.
That being said, the fact remains that there needs to be more positive posts on this blog. If you have anything to share, please let me know.
Here are a few non death related items
-A good source tells me that Sean "puff daddy, diddy" Combs has been hanging out in Eckington occasionally.
-XM is having a rat problem
-The DC parking gestapo has finally convinced me to park off-street.
-St. Martin's hearing is half over.
-Adrian Fenty has hired an Attorney General who up until yesterday wasnt even certified by the DC Bar.
-My neighbor down the street is finally getting his porch fixed after a large dead tree fell on last halloween. A similar tree in the middle of the block has not been removed by the city, regardless of numerous requests to do so.
-Eleanor Holmes Nortons staff responded to a letter i sent requesting she look into WASA falsifying the safety of DC drinking water.
-Paris Hilton is still slutty.
Thats all for now. hope to spend more time posting from here on out.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
It was just reported on ABC News that a train has derailed at the Mt. Vernon Sq/Convention Center Stop. there were 19 minor injuries, and 1 serious head injury reported. It is unclear at this time what happened. Yellow and green Lines are closed down. More details to follow
Crime Continues
y Clarence Williams and Martin Weil
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, January 7, 2007; Page C03
Here are the paragraphs from this article that mention a shooting in Eckington yesterday, Saturday, 1/6/2007:
Also yesterday, a man was shot and critically wounded about 3 p.m. at Fourth and W streets NE, in the Eckington neighborhood. A woman who was shot in the same incident was less seriously wounded, police said.
According to police, the woman was hit in each thigh. The man was hit at last twice in the chest, police said.
The woman, 28, of Northeast Washington, stumbled into a barber shop, and the man, who is from Southeast, fell in front of a service station, police said.
Investigators said an assailant walked up to the pair and opened fire. No motive was immediately apparent.
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, January 7, 2007; Page C03
Here are the paragraphs from this article that mention a shooting in Eckington yesterday, Saturday, 1/6/2007:
Also yesterday, a man was shot and critically wounded about 3 p.m. at Fourth and W streets NE, in the Eckington neighborhood. A woman who was shot in the same incident was less seriously wounded, police said.
According to police, the woman was hit in each thigh. The man was hit at last twice in the chest, police said.
The woman, 28, of Northeast Washington, stumbled into a barber shop, and the man, who is from Southeast, fell in front of a service station, police said.
Investigators said an assailant walked up to the pair and opened fire. No motive was immediately apparent.
ANC Meeting on St. Martins.
I urge anyone from the neighborhood to attend a meeting on St Martins.
Public Forum on the St. Martin's Apartment Complex
7 pm, January 10th, at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center
Public Forum on the St. Martin's Apartment Complex
7 pm, January 10th, at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center
Mugging on Eckington Place
Last night, at approximately 9:15 p.m., an XM employee was held up at
gun point on the 1600 block of Eckington Place. Four African-American
men, ages 18-25, held him on the ground while they took his wallet,
laptop, recording equipment and other valuables. Our colleague did
absolutely the right thing in fully complying with the demands of the muggers,
and, fortunately he was not injured in this incident. The victim in
this case lives in the area, is familiar with the risks of urban life,
and took safety precautions, such as looking up and down the street
before opening the trunk of his car, yet the muggers came out of the alley
and surprised him. If this incident isn’t a sufficient reminder of the
risks of walking in the neighborhood after dark, note that the police
believe the same muggers shot their next victim about twenty minutes
later; the assailants have not been apprehended
Thanks to JT for the info.
gun point on the 1600 block of Eckington Place. Four African-American
men, ages 18-25, held him on the ground while they took his wallet,
laptop, recording equipment and other valuables. Our colleague did
absolutely the right thing in fully complying with the demands of the muggers,
and, fortunately he was not injured in this incident. The victim in
this case lives in the area, is familiar with the risks of urban life,
and took safety precautions, such as looking up and down the street
before opening the trunk of his car, yet the muggers came out of the alley
and surprised him. If this incident isn’t a sufficient reminder of the
risks of walking in the neighborhood after dark, note that the police
believe the same muggers shot their next victim about twenty minutes
later; the assailants have not been apprehended
Thanks to JT for the info.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Another Housing Project for Eckington?

In addition to the infamous 181 occupant St. Martin's Housing project, news today has come that the decrepit and boarded up 1903 lincoln appartment building has been sold. Across the street, there are "luxury condos" being refurbished, for the bargain price of $200,000.
Here is a follow-up to an earlier post
1901, 1903 Lincoln Road NE Sold For $4,000,000
The boarded-up apartment building in Eckington at Lincoln Road NE and T Street NE
was sold for $4,000,000; one million lower than the asking price.
Here is the Remarks section of the MRIS record:
"Internet: Price also includes sale of adjacent building - 1903 Lincoln Rd. NE. Total of 24 VACANT 2 B/R APTS ON APPROX 15,500 sq ft of ground. Great for Condo Development or Planned Unit Development (PUD).Located in the heart of RED HOT Eckington. Just bocks to XM Radio, FEDEX,METRO - Easy access to downtown."
Here is the link to the MRIS entry:
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